
Does anyone know a way to detect the current "in-use" http proxy settings on Mac OS X from within Rev?

This is what I know so far.

All the network settings (set in the System Preferences Network pane) are stored in the file /var/db/SystemConfiguration/preferences.xml.

However, although this file will tell you which is the currently selected "set" (i.e when a user has more than one location configured), it doesn't tell you which interface is currently in use. So if you have an http proxy set for the built-in ethernet interface but not for the modem, you can't be sure whether the proxy should be used or not.

There is a command line tool called scutil which gives the information I need. But this is an interactive utility, and I don't know how (or even if it's possible) to make use of this from within Rev.

(For anyone familiar with scutil, the "key" I'm interested in is "State:/Network/Global/Proxies".)

Any help appreciated.


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