Hi all!

I was wondering if the way that I'm going about a certain task is actually the easiest/fastest way. The task is: I have a list (return-delimited) of several hundred words. I need to delete ONE specific word from the list.

Right now, I'm using a repeat loop, iterating through the list until I find the string, then deleting it:

# PRE: pLIst should be a return-delimited list of strings. pString should be the text of one of the items in pList.
# POST: pList is returned, minus the line that contains/is pString.
function fDeleteLine pList,pString
if pList is empty then return empty
if pString is empty then return pList
repeat with x = 1 to number of lines in pList
if line x of pList is pString then
delete line x of pList
exit repeat
end repeat
return pList
end fDeleteLine

I know that the "repeat with x" structure is supposed to be slower than other forms of repeat, and I also seem to remember some experienced users in this list recommending using arrays in some way to speed up search and replace functions in lists.

So: is there a faster way to do this?

Many thanks for any hints!

Kindest regards,
Igor de Oliveira Couto

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