
I am having a problem stopping QT movies under certain circumstances. Is there a single message that can stop a currently playing QT movie without specifying its player? Actually I think there is such a thing but I can't seem to find any reference to it in the documentation. Here's why I think it exists.

When I leave a card that has a player that is currently playing a QT movie the movie is automatically stopped. This happens without me issuing any commands in a closeCard handler. So I'm thinking that there is some sort of msg sent to the player by Revolution. I would like to use this method.

I have tried using the stop command and the " the showcontroller" property to stop a single QT mov. This does seem to work under certain circumstances. The method used when leaving a card would seem to be the easiest and cleanest.

Any body have any ideas?



Stephen R. Messimer, PA
208 1st Ave. South
Escanaba, MI 49829
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