I would like to deploy my apps for PPC Linux although I will continue to use OS X as my primary development platform.

I don't know if it would be easier for RunRev to resume making the distribution engine for PPC Linux even if they don't make an IDE for it. Obviously it would be best to have everything for every platform but that would at least let me deploy for PPC Linux.

Revolution offers the linux community exactly what it needs but doesn't have...a powerful yet easy to use programming environment. If I was a Linux freak I'd be all over Revolution.

Of course having to actually buy software goes against the grain of most of the linux users I know. I'd be curious to know how well any of the Rev apps you folks have been selling are actually getting money from linux users. I wrote an electronic phone book for my previous company which the Mac and Windows community loved, but the linux users looked down on it because it was a "GUI app" and they "already had finger" (and that app was even free).

Bill Vlahos

On Friday, October 31, 2003, at 04:28 PM, Igor Couto wrote:

So, IF YOU WOULD CONSIDER USING A LINUX PPC VERSION OF REV, please DROP ME A LINE. If there is enough show of interest in this topic, then I will message the RunRev team, and let them know that we'd suppor their efforts in that area!

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