> Recently, "Richard Gaskin"  wrote:
>> Will there be a version localized for Californians?:
>> "Dude, these warez are way cool.
>> Full-on rockin' power like a south swell under your board.
>> Check it -- you'll be so stoked."
> Dude.
> (translation: "Mr. Gaskin, I wholeheartedly agree with your amusing and yet
> most eloquent post to the list.")

Och noo, be reasonable laddie. That would mean we'd be having to rewrite
Revolution in broad scots too, ye ken. For why wad we no be having that, an
we translated to californian? It's a braw, bricht nicht the nicht laddie...

Scots wah hey and other unintelligable noises,


> Regards,
> Scott Rossi

Heather Williams ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ http://www.runrev.com/
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