On Nov 13, 2003, at 12:56 AM, David Wilkinson wrote:

This behaviour is observable in 2.0.1, although perhaps not as

My experience is that there appear to be three iterations of the
query loop, and they are repeated for each object on the card that
is attached to the query.  Each iteration produces the error message.

FWIW, deleting the query seems to fix the problem here.

David, I think you are talking about something else. What I am seeing is a bug. A GUI bug, and doesn't have anything to do with the query loop going for 3 iterations.

On the Database Query Builder, Record Set Tab, SQL query field:

1) enter some syntactically bad SQL
2) click the refresh query button (or close the Database Query Builder window)
3) now Rev gets stuck in an endless loop of modal error dialogs.

The problem is this code in revDBQuerySetup stack / recordSet card. The SQL is evaluated, causing a modal error dialog, causing the keyboard focus to leave the field, then reenter it the field. Then another closeField fires, another modal error dialog. Endlessly.

on closefield
  put the cActiveQuery of this stack into tActiveQuery
  put revQueryLongName(tActiveQuery) into tObjects
  revSetSQLOfQuery tObjects,the text of me
  if revCursorOfQuery(tObjects) is not empty then
    set the label of button "cREVDatabaseQuery[primarykey]" to "None"
    disable button "cREVDatabaseQuery[primarykey]"
  end if
end closefield

So Runrev- the Database Query builder is effectively useless. How about a fix? I can't just comment out the handler, because then the query is not evaluated at all.

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | <http://mindlube.com>

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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