On Nov 13, 2003, at 11:26 AM, Graham Samuel wrote:

Can anyone think of a way I could even approach the source of the problem? My users (schools) have a wide variety of Windows machines, and although I guess I could demand that they don't use W95, I really don't think I could cut out 98 and certainly not ME.

Some suggestions:

Make a "recipe" stack that shows the crash on Windows 95-ME and send it to runrev.

Collect data from the crash victims like: What revision of Windows OS are they running. What video card? What revision are the video drivers for their card? Maybe there is a common denominator there.

Hope this helps,

Alex Rice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Mindlube Software | <http://mindlube.com>

what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco

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