
> What happens is that if there is no built-in Revolution property, the
> script sets a custom property. That's why there is no error. In this
> case, the group will have a custom property called "tooltip".

Well, I checked the custom prop. option : actually no custom prop.
is created...

I'm still using MC (but am posting to the Rev list, since almost
nobody seems to use the MC list anymore), and I checked the MC
doc. It says that tooltip applies to all controls. When I search
"controls" in the same doc, it says that there are 12 classes of MC
objects, including stacks, cards, groups... It also says that groups,
btns, etc. are also referred to as "controls"...
So, logically, tooltips should also apply to grps, cards, stacks...

> Cards also do not support the tooltip property. Setting it by script
> would give a custom "tooltip" property that does nothing.

Not exactly : when trying to set tooltip of a card or a stack, it
an error...


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