the stack referenced does not work with Rev 2.1.2, it keeps hanging on a script that wants to access the tStack
On Nov 12, 2003, at 9:58 AM, Ken Norris wrote:

Hi David,

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 11:29:17 +0000
From: David Burgun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RunRev Documentation


Is there any Documentation available for RunRev in PDF format? I
would like to be able to print off a couple of chapters at a time and
have a good read away from the computer!
Well, if you can live with RTF instead, there is one at the RunRev dev
downloads area:

< usercontributions.html>'s near the bottom of the lisat. Scroll down 'till the slider is about
an inch from the bottom.

Ken N.

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