Alright Revolutionaries,

I just did a test of text styles in a sample stack.

I put two sets of text fields, 2 on the left and 2 on the right.
I put two buttons one with 'set the htmlText of field 2 to the htmlText of field 1' and the other with 'set the htmlText of field 4 to the htmlText of field 3'

I then set the text style by using the Property panel "text formatting" of field 3. and then used the menu to change color.

I set the text style of field 1 using only the text menu.

The htmlText only copies part of the property panel setting but all of the other settings.

What I would like to know is why do these two methods of setting text styles act differently. What is the reason so I can understand.

I have the sample stack for any interested parties.

I know this might not be clear.

Thanks Tom (still figuring out text in REV)

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