
does anyone have ideas for where to get a set of graphing externals for 
use with metacard/rev on both the mac and PC? I need to draw line, bar, 
and pie charts on the fly from data given to the external.

I have an old cdrom project that may get new life and it has an on the 
fly graphing function in it for a lot of data sets. The old mac version 
was in hypercard and utilized a custom set of xcmds that would draw a 
selected line, bar, or pie graph from the data you passed it and you 
could set all the paramaters for overall size, symbols, ranges, labels, 
etc. it just returned a graphic that you could then display. on the pc 
side we had a similar (but totally from a different source) set of dlls 
for visualbasic to do the same thing.

amazing thing is the 9 year old product still works on mac os9--gotta 
love olde hypercard! i shutter to try the same with the windows version...

thanks for any help!


Jeffrey H. Reynolds, Ph.D.
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817



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