Message: 4 Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 06:19:59 -0700 From: Chuck Pelto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: New Here... To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed


I'm looking for information to help me consider Revolution as an option
for developing more sophisticated databases. I've just downloaded and
unlocked the 30-day example version.

I'm very familiar with FileMaker Pro. I'm somewhat familiar with Access.

Is there anything someone can point me to that provides a compare and
contrast analysis of Revolution to FMP?


Besides all the good advice you have received from others, I can tell you of one very special database use I have for Run Rev.

I am in the midst of an election campaign. The database is 90,000 records (lines) each with 75 fields (items).

But the data as it comes to us from the county needs lots of massaging: Convert fields to title case, change phone numbers like 5303458765 to 530-345-8765 so that it can be dialed by someone with ADD, picking out households with multiple residents, some with the same last name and some not, and working the data to get single more personalized mailer to the related household members and a separate mailer to unrelated individuals at the same address (not the usual impersonal mailer sent to all residents at the same address)..... etc.

I was astonished to discover that the entire file can be accommodated in a single field (or imported from disk to a variable.) within Run Rev.

Some of the scripting can be done in FMP but it is soooooooo much easier to do it all in Run Rev (and much faster, both in scripting and run time) and then exporting a file to be imported into FMP. From that point on, FMP is the application of choice.

But this is only one of the very many things I have found to do with this extraordinary tool.

Run Rev is a tool box. FMP is a screwdriver.

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