On Monday, December 1, 2003, at 04:15 PM, Monte Goulding wrote:

Try compressing an decompressing the whole file to see if some stage in your
parsing is corrupting the compressed data. Richard's suggestion of compress
then base64Encode is also appropriate for binary data in an XML document.



I have tried compressing and decompressing the whole file as the first test. I tried compressing the data from a variable as a second test. I've looked at the same data in a text editor on both platforms and I did a comparison of charToNum() of the compressed data on both platforms. This was the exact same problem I had with blowfish I think. I solved it by constricting cross-platform data transfers to less than ascii 127; even though the data can represent up to ascii 255. My blowfish algorithm does it all as numerical values until the final rendering. I had to drop binaryEncode() & binaryDecode() in order to get numerical only results within the process. That's why I think it's something like upper ascii character values across platforms.

So can you compress this: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890" on a Mac, save it as binary on a Mac, and open & decompress it on a Windows machine? I need to see a basic text file that I can decompress on Mac & Windows. \ mb

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