
Thanks for the warning Jan, will give it a try!


> From: Jan Schenkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 07:03:52 -0800 (PST)
> To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Database Query Builder
>> Question...
>> When using the Database Query Builder, you have to
>> enter the address of the
>> database. But is there a way to create a
>> preference-file which is loaded
>> during startup, because I?m creating a
>> mySQL-front-end which uses different
>> databases (development db on server 1 and live db on
>> server 2).
>> Now I created my SQL-statements myself, so I check a
>> preference-file at
>> startup, which I manually can edit, or edit in my
>> preference-tab in the
>> program, but I would like to use the Database Query
>> Builder and still be
>> able to change and save these settings.
>> Anyone any advice, because I can?t seem to find
>> where the Database Query
>> Builder gets and stores its data.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Ton Kuypers
> Hi Ton,
> The revDatabase implementation is an interesting one,
> in that each and every query is actually an unplaced,
> empty group.
> The connection information for the query is stored in
> its custom property set named "cREVDatabaseQuery" :
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbtype"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbhost"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbdatabase"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbport"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbuser"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbpassword"]
> - cREVDatabaseQuery["dbssl"]
> In order to get the actual group, you have to use the
> undocumented function 'revQueryLongName' ; hand it a
> query name and it gives you the long name of the
> group, after which you can play around with its custom
> properties from a script :
> --
> put revQueryLongName(tQueryName) into tQueryObject
> set the cREVDatabaseQuery["dbhost"] of \
>     tQueryObject to "the.other.host"
> --
> Oh, a little note of warning : do not try to place the
> database query groups onto a card, or the query will
> stop working alltogether. Took me a while to figure
> that one out...
> Hope this helped,
> Jan Schenkel.
> =====
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La
> Rochefoucauld)
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