Hi all.

I'm stuck.

I have created an app to move selective files based on their filetype and (sometimes) included text.
This code (below) lets you choose a directory, walk it and view a list. OK so far. Now on my second weekend learning revolution; I have linked a checkbox to a filter. :-) In my edited section I filter gHierList depending on whether one button is pressed. However, If I want to filter for two (eg jpg and gif) I double filter and end up with no selection.

I thought of creating a global eg gBobList and on each line create a local variable eg bobgif. Then would copy ghierlist into the local variable, filter the local and add to the final global (boblist). I need a global since another button will do something with this. In addition I want to view the list in the window.

Can anyone think of a simpler way?


code below

global gHierList
on mouseUp
put empty into gHierList
put empty into field 1
answer folder "Pick a folder you want to walk:"
if it is empty then exit mouseUp
set lockCursor to true
set cursor to watch
directoryWalk it
-- I added this bit today
if the hilite of button "JPEG" is true then filter gHierlist with "*.jpg"
if the hilite of button "BIORAD" is true then filter gHierlist with "*raw*.pic"
if the hilite of button "GIF" is true then filter gHierlist with "*.gif"
-- end of my edit
sort gHierList
put gHierList into field 1
put number of lines of fld 1
set lockCursor to false
end mouseUp

on directoryWalk whatFolder
  set the defaultFolder to whatFolder
  put the files into temp
  repeat for each line x in temp
    put whatFolder & "/" & x & return after gHierList
  end repeat
  put the folders into tDirList
  repeat with x =  2 to the number of lines of tDirList
    directoryWalk (whatFolder & "/" & (line x of tDirList))
  end repeat
end directoryWalk

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