Richard Gaskin heeft op maandag, 8 dec 2003 om 21:24 het volgende geschreven:

When I say:
put url ""; into var
the var is still empty in the standalone version. Any suggestions?

Could there be something in your app's startup that prevents Rev's libraries
from loading?

The Distribution Builder puts Rev's libraries in a hidden group on the first
card of the mainstack, and must get an preOpenBackground message to

There's not enough data on your specific circumstance to know if that's the
root cause, however. To investigate it you could add this at the end of
your app's initialization:

answer the backscripts

If no rev libs are listed in that dialog there's a likelihood they are not
being initialized.

You are right, Richard, "answer the backscripts" brings up an empty dialog in the standalone. But why?

It is a stack that requires a login. At first, I had the login brought up as a modal dialog in the preOpenStack handler of the main stack. What you explained makes clear why that didn't work. I figured this to be the reason too, so I made the dialog the main stack that brings up the previous main stack when a user successfully logs in.

The internet access is required in the script of the login button on the only card of the main stack - the 'login dialog' that is not a dialog anymore.

Could a preOpenStack handler prevent libraries from loading? I tried to add 'pass preopenstack' at the end of the handler, but that didn't resolve anything.


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