> Does anyone have any ideas?  I'd greatly appreciate it.

Actually, I have that happening in my stacks and I found a (albeit
temporary) workaround. It turns out that if you manually switch to the
pointer tool and click at the location where your buttons are, they will
redraw properly. So I just put that into code:

  choose pointer tool
  click at loc of group "NavBtns"
  choose browse tool

Works here...

Personally, I think the whole auto-resizing menubar is funky... in fact,
if you have a menu group on your card that is hidden on the Mac, when
that stack opens, it triggers a resizeStack message automatically as the
engine resizes the stack to hide the menubar. However if you have code
in your resizeStack handler to accommodate a user actually dragging to
resize the stack, things get VERY screwy... Personally, I'd like to
*not* get a resizeStack message when a stack with a menubar opens on a
Mac, but that's me...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/ 

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