On 12/20/03 3:55 PM, Rob Cozens wrote:

What happens if one scripts, for example:

    put empty into keysAllowed
    repeat with x = 128 to 255
        get numToChar(x)
        if it >= "Ù" and  it <= "ü" then put it into keysAllowed
    end repeat

Does this or does this not return the same values on all Rev
platforms & all fonts?

At the risk of exposing more of my ignorance, let me rephrase that:

Rev will see the characters as numeric values and return the same list of numeric values; but will the first character always display as "Ù" and the last character as "ü" on all Rev platforms & all fonts?

I checked the Rev Dictionary for "diacritical" but the three references (find, toLower, toUpper) weren't much help.

If you mean, do you get the same glyph for each ascii number, then no, not even between fonts on the same platform. If you look in any font display program, you'll see the variations that occur in the high-ascii ranges in different fonts (the old Mac KeyCaps app was good for this.) And in dingbat and symbol fonts, even the low-ascii glyphs are different.

But you probably knew that, so maybe I don't understand what you're asking.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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