On 12/23/03 6:57 AM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

Hi Jacque... The window seemed to frame correctly but I got this message
when I executed the modified script.  Looks fine to me...

         executing at 8:53:05 AM
Type    Object: can't set object property
Object    Picture
Line    set the width of cd 1 to the width of img "Palette Picture Graphic"
Hint    300

Sorry, I had a think-o. Holiday madness. You can't resize individual cards, you can only resize whole stacks. So it should say:

set the width of this stack to the width of img "Palette Picture Graphic"
set the height of this stack to the height of img "Palette Picture Graphic"

Less eggnog next time, I promise.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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