Many questions:
1. Is there anywhere i can get information, esp. tutorial, on working source code into an external.
I have access to endless amounts of source code, but its all useless to me until I know this external magic.

2. Is it possible to distort images, say into a perspective, I need to make a psuedo cube thing for skyboxes?

3. How would one fill a graphic with a gradient color?
Do I always have to import images?
Can I apply color to a generic grayscale image, like QuarkXpress does for its gradients?

4. Is there an external or some wicked script that could produce noise of the cloud variety? Filling random pixels?

5. If I make a stack, that is masked, how can I go about moving it? Should I designate an area as the draggable area?

6. I want to use the paint tool , or us imported images, then read from it for color values.
I will need to return the x,y and rgb value...what commands should I be looking for to do this trick?
In this example I am using the mouse to generate individual polygon graphics, its effective but tedious.
I'd like to be able to import an image, or use the brush tool to draw more quickly then translate that to
the polygon objects....hopefully I'll figure out how to get better freeform shapes this way.
Any ideas?

Your help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Mr Bill

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