Hi Doug,

I have done a similar thing in the past, and in the post referenced below, you can see details of how I did it:

http://lists.runrev.com/pipermail/use-revolution/2003-September/ 023280.html


On 10 Jan 2004, at 12:03 pm, Doug Lerner wrote:

What is the best way, timing-wise, to set the custom properties of a newly
cloned stack.

I (stupidly) tried

clone stack "myStack"
set the myProperty of "Copy of myStack" to "123"

But... if in the openStack handler of the cloned stack I need to make
immediate use of that property it seems it is too late. The clone command
opens up the stack *first*, right? Then *after that* the set command runs.

So how to best set custom properties in the cloned stack if they need to be
used during the openStack handler?

Global variables?


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