At 9:24 am -0800 14/1/04, Mark Powell wrote:
I am on Windows 2000 with two machines A and B.  I develop and debug on A,
but test standalones on both A and B.  I have a runtime error that I have
isolated to the following code in the preOpenStack handler:

get URL ClientDataCurrent
answer "calling from preOpenStack, this is what is \
   read from the data_current file:" & return & it
if (the result is not empty) then
   <exit routine>
end if
put it into gWhatever

On machine A in both the IDE and standalone, gWhatever is populated and
everything works as desired. On machine B, the code gets nothing from the
text file (confirmed by the answer dialog during runtime).  The result
testing is not triggered in any scenario.  Moreover, on both A and B I can
validate connectivity by pasting the URL into a browser and seeing the data

Any ideas?  Are there additional tests I can do during runtime that will
shed light on this?

It looks like you're checking the result from the "answer" and not the "get URL".

Does this make a difference?

get URL ClientDataCurrent
if (the result is not empty) then
   <exit routine>
end if
answer "calling from preOpenStack, this is what is \
   read from the data_current file:" & return & it
put it into gWhatever

Also, the "it" in "put it into gWhatever" will be the name of the button clicked in the answer dialog. (presumably "OK") Is that what was intended?

Is the url a "file" url or an "http" or "ftp" url? If http or ftp, are you sure libUrl has loaded at this stage. In a standalone, I think the rev libraries don't get loaded until after the preOpenStack handler.

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