On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 09:35 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:

If I

read from socket thisSocket until CRLF

and then look at the number of chars in it the number of chars is ONE plus
the number of visible characters read. Why isn't it TWO plus the number of
visible chararacters read - one for CR and one for LF?

Doug, it seems to me that, though you got plenty of "responses," you didn't get an answer.

I usually do the line processing after receiving the data, so I usually don't do it this way. Maybe 'until' only matches on the first character. I don't get that impression from the TD (list jargon for Transcript Dictionary), though.

If you are doing a repeat for each line or referring to 'line n of' you will not get the LF.

The function below takes a string and converts it to hex. You can use it to dump your line in testing. For example "abc" & crlf will be translated to "6162630D0A". Look for 0D for CR and 0A for LF.

function hex s
  get binaryDecode("H*",s,h)
  return h
end hex

Dar Scott

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