Le 27 janv. 04, à 04:59, Sarah Reichelt a écrit :

If the file has an extension, like .mov or .mpg and you set it's filetype to empty, OS X will just use whatever default program matches the file extension and give it the appropriate icon.

Apart from that, I have found using the long files to get the file type rather variable, sometimes it just gives ????????, but here is an AppleScript to do it. Put this into the AppleScript Script Editor and click the Run button. Choose a file that is already opening with the correct application and it's filetype will be shown. Then you will know what to set your new files to.

tell application "Finder"
        set tFile to choose file
        set tType to the file type of tFile
        set tCreator to creator type of tFile
        display dialog tType & tCreator
end tell


Thank you for your help !


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