On 1/30/04 7:59 AM, Doug Lerner wrote:


4. the "unlock messages" took place essentially instantly after the graphic
was deleted, but before the deleteGraphic message was sent (since it is a
separate message that is sent when the graphic is actually removed from the

This may be where you go off base. All the "deleteSomething" messages are sent immediately *before* the object is deleted. It notifies you that a deletion is about to occur.

The lock messages locks all the messages *associated with* the deletion of
the graphic, even if there are dozens of revXXXX messages sent out after the
graphic is deleted?

That is what I wanted to clarify.

Locking messages stops all of them until messages are unlocked again, or until the handler ends. Messages always resume on idle.

The rev-related messages aren't sent during your handlers anyway (well, not most of the time, there could be rare exceptions.) When you lock messages in a handler, the lock is only effective within that one handler.

If your handler calls other handlers, then the lock on messages will remain effective until the original calling handler ends, or until either of the handlers unlocks it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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