On 2/5/04 4:57 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

But what if it is not in the expected location?

Library A' from vender A needs library B' from vender B. Library A' has some notion where B' is and refers to it there. Developer C puts B' in a different location and then makes the developer's app C' start using B' and then A'. Should C expect this to work?

My opinion: Library authors should not expect their stacks to be in any particular location. That should be the stack developer's job. The library author should simply annotate any dependencies, and let the stack author know that dependent stacks must be put in use.

In general, the track goes like this: What are common styles of stack organization that might be considered good practice? What might a library supplier do as good practice to make a library easy to use in styles of stack organization?

I don't think there is an official established procedure, but I'd put all my library stacks together in one folder. When it was loading time, I'd set the directory to that folder and start using them.

There is another, perhaps more efficient, way to use libraries though, and it is the way used by Revolution itself. Store the libraries as button scripts somewhere (in a substack, or a card you never go to, or even just invisible on a card somewhere) and insert the scripts into the back as necessary. That way you don't need any external stacks at all and you get your monolithic build besides. This is the method I tend to use. Having lots of external stacks can become hard to manage, and it is easy to just pop a script into a button if I know my app will need to use it. Another advantage of this method is that you don't need to worry about file paths at all.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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