Your the man, Ken.


On Feb 8, 2004, at 8:35 PM, Ken Norris wrote:


Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 07:07:27 -0700
From: Rob Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mission critical apps; was Re: cross platform ide

So Alex, the bottom line is Transcript gives the developer more
options and more options = more opportunity for developer error?

If the intended objet does not receive the message, the programmer screwed up.
Fascinating least for a boneheaded arty type like me (I am
always learning), but the above makes sense.

If it simply has to get there overnight (Oh, wait, that's someone else's
slogan ;-)), I simply close off everything else in the hierarchy by leaving
nil or kill messages in the path, and using unique names and ID's. The
message --> the object. The message is now on a rail, can't go anywhere

I admit, the models I use are much more simplistic than you fellers seem to
be describing, but I never had one miss or get lost if I did it like I

My $0.0000000002

Ken N.

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