On Wednesday, February 11, 2004, at 01:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Supporting JavaScript is an interesting idea.  I probably wouldn't
used it, but I wonder if it would bring others to Revolution.

And the new Director supports JavaScript alongside Lingo syntax. My
bet: it'll just confuse everyone. (And I love Lingo, BTW)

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary

Hah! Lingo supports = (equal sign) as an assignment operator (plus lots of overloading +=, -=, etc.), so I guess "x = 1" can't be all that bad :-)

My bet is that it will lower the barrier against using it for those who know Javascript already -- "Hmmm, Director has Javascript syntax? Maybe it won't take as long to get up to speed as I previously thought it would."

-- Frank

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