I agree wholeheartedly.

Here's my rant... I've been involved continuously with computers since 1967
(Comp. Sci, 70) and programmed in just about every commercial language on
just about every type of commercial computer AND THEY ALL SUCK.  I bought a
Mac in 1984 and Hypercard in 1987 AND THEY DON'T SUCK... end of story.

Anybody who thinks owning and operating a computer must include some pain
and unique knowledge of lingo and operating systems as some kind of "mark of
[professional] pride and excellence" is really in some kind of time/space

That Micro$oft, IBM, et al have managed to get 98% of us to think this is
normal is marketing at it's zenith.

Sorry... I'll go back to my normal pale palour now... :-@  Jim

on 2/11/04 10:37 AM, Ed McCabe wrote:

> I would not have had the time or patience to learn a "real programming
> language" and been unable to develop the system I run my business on.


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