Stay away from emulators inc. ( and any softmac product. They are notorius for ripping off the community, the author is the equilvent of Dr. Derek Smart :D Although, he does have fusion PC, purchased from a leading company in macintosh emulation, it's free and a hundred times better than softmac. Although it is a dos application....

Otherwise, there is a new PowerPC emulator around, it's only in early stages but you are able to run a few things. It requires linux and can be found on source forge, I'm not on my computer at the moment and cant think of the name....

I'm sure it runs OS 9, but I don't think it runs 10/X... Since it's only in alpha stages thats to be expected, but if you were ever tracking the mac emulation scene, the power pc emulator was promised 5 years ago.. I'm just so glad that it's finally here, abit incomplete but still!! :D

From: Stephen Quinn Barncard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: How to use Revolution <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: emulators
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 13:42:27 -0800

OK, Ok, if one wants to go through hoops to use this stuff. I just know I have old macs lying around that I can't give away that would be easier to use than buying into this emulator package, ROM cards, etc. And it's no good for OSX. I was wrong before... pre OS 9 software is really dead; Apple's making sure it is going away fast.

And there is also

If you already own the Mac hardware, it is perfectly legal to emulate your
Mac on another machine (although not running simultaneously). We had a
68040 Mac Quadra that died years ago, so we used its ROM in an emulator.
When you are porting HyperCard stacks to Revolution on a Windows machine,
it is nice to be able to run HyperCard in OS 8.1 so I can visually see the

Of course Apple would not be at all happy if OS X were being emulated.


Sure there is!

> Among others.

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