Thanks Klaus but that didn't work.

get shell("attrib -r" && "C:\Program Files\Science Suite\*.*" &&  "/S  /D")
fails but when I shorten it to
get shell("attrib -r" && "C:\Progra~1\Scienc~1\*.*" &&  "/S  /D")
it works.

I could take a chance and just change the long file names in rev but I would
get caught where someone had two paths such as:
C:\Program Files\Science and Man
C:\Program Files\Science Suite

which would both translate into C:\Program Files\Scienc~1

However Windows would name them 1 and 2.

I suppose the long winded solution is to check for the duplicate names but
then I still wouldn't know which was 1 and which was 2 from Windows(DOS)
point of view.

Thanks for your help.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Klaus Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "How to use Revolution"
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: Short Names/Dos Names/8.3

> Hi Stu,
> > get shell("attrib -r C:\Program Files\Science Suite\*.* /S /D") doesn't
> > work.
> i am not sure but try:
> get shell("attrib -r" && "C:\Program Files\Science Suite\*.*" &&  "/S
> /D")
> It's the space in the path, that causes problems...
> > get shell("attrib -r C:\Progra~1\Scienc~1\*.* /S /D") does work
> Yeah, but i could never get used to this... ;-)
> > I presume that it is the long file names (with spaces) that are the
> > problem.
> > In my program the path is actually a variable. How do I get the short
> > names
> > for Windows paths from within Rev?
> Sorry, no idea...
> > Stu
> Hope that helps...
> Regards
> Klaus Major

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