can you tell us when "next week" will be – or did I miss your announcement?


Am 06.02.2004 um 17:41 schrieb Dan Shafer:

During MacWorld SF in January -- at which every copy of my book that Rev could get to the show was sold by the third day -- Kevin and I discussed the publishing plan going forward. I had been studying the relatively recent development over at Adam Angst's TidBits operation with some interest. (FYI, if you don't know it, they are publishing small books focused on a single topic at $5 each and delivering in PDF format.)

Kevin and I liked that concept a lot. And as you probably know I had already anticipated releasing chapters of my book to those who joined at the Leader ($197) level prior to publication and free anyway.

So what we've decided to do is to release the chapters of Volumes 2 and 3 incrementally. As I finish a chapter in draft, it will go to those who are Leader level members of my online community. They'll give me some feedback (hopefully) and then I'll do a final version and release it for sale at something in the $5 per chapter neighborhood. My plan is to release a chapter about every week or so, sometimes two in a week.

Then when we have a full book-sized collection of chapters, we'll combine them into an immediately available PDF and Kevin will take them to print for distribution in hard copy format.

This means you can buy only the chapters in which you are interested, when you are interested in them. Whether you buy the full book collection or not is up to you (unless, again, you are a Leader member in, in which case you get it free anyway).

Furthermore, I'm going to let the community help me decide the *order* in which to release the chapters. I'll be posting a complete list of the subjects on RevPros some time this weekend and allowing members there to vote for which ones they'd like to see sooner than later. I'll focus on those that get the biggest response *except* where I know something about a future Rev development or a third-party product that could change the chapter substantially.

So to recap: chapter-by-chapter electronic releases first to my community, then to the community at large; books accumulated when critical mass dictates and released first electronically and then in print; order of things determined in large part by community voting.

First chapter for Volume 2 -- which will cover CGI development and use -- next week.

Don't just sit there, revolt!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dan Shafer, Revolutionary Author of "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" for more info Available at Runtime Revolution Store (

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