
Thanks so much for the tip. I didn't know I needed to manually move it. Or (rereading your message) is there some checkbox I need to select to get it to be placed there in the process of making the standalone?

In any event, that may well be PART of the problem but manually moving revspeech.bundle into the data file for the app didn't fix things. And, it wouldn't explain why whatText doesn't seem to get the text from the first field and then put it into the second.... so there appears to be an additional problem with data not making it either into whatText or out of whatText into both the second field and the RevSpeak command.



On Feb 14, 2004, at 6:19 PM, Doug Lerner wrote:

It could be the same reason why my video grabber worked in the IDE and did
not work at first in the standalone.

The speech feature requires that a separate file called "revspeech.bundle"
be in the data folder in the same location as the standalone. Make sure that
is also generated when building the application. And when you move the
application, make sure to take that data folder and bundle file with you.


On 2/15/04 6:21 AM, "Marian Petrides" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just put together a very simple demonstration of the RevSpeak command
which consists of a card with 2 items on it:

A field named "TextToSpeak" into which one enters text  and a button
containing the following simple script.

On mouseUp
 Put field "TextToSpeak" into whatText
 RevSpeak whatText
end mouseUp

This works just fine (speaks the text entered into the field whenever
button is pressed) in the IDE running in Mac OS X 10.3. However, when
I make the stack into a standalone for OS X, pressing the button yields
nothing but silence.

Anybody have any thoughts on why this works in IDE but not in



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