From: Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Agreed ! The English-like syntax of Transcript seem me to be one of the main parts of the XTalk paradigm : As long as Rev will support this VHLL feature, we will stay able to code transcript handlers, even without running computers : i like to feel me free to "think and code" cool handlers in the railroad or, even, in driving my car from home to the office... I can't, for my own, do, with the same success, such kind of things in using Rebol, PHP, Javascript or Java...
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores

I fully agree that for trained xtalk writers the english-like syntax of Transcript is an advantage.

As and old HyperCarder, Transcript is very fine for me too.

But if Revolution want to access to a biggest market share, you must consider that 98% of people trained to programming are trained to "ECMA" style langages.

Macromedia understood that and the next version of Director will support both the Lingo syntax (very xTalk like) and the ECMA (= javascript/actionscript)syntax.
Note the fact that ECMA syntax is not a proprietary syntax ; it is an open standard maintained by the European Computer Manufacturer Association.

If Revolution can speak the same langage as JavaScript, Flash (and tomorrow Director) that can help thousands of programmer to test it and to adopt it.

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