You got me. :)

I haven't actually tried this yet. I've been meaning to though.

All I know is what it says in the docs:

You create a scrolling window by placing all the objects on the card in a
scrolling group. If you make the group the same size as the stack window,
scrolling the group causes the whole content area of the window to scroll.

To display the groupšs horizontal or vertical scroll bar, set the groupšs
hScrollbar or vScrollbar property to true. You can either set these
properties in a handler or the message box, or use the Basic Properties pane
in the groupšs property inspector to display or hide a vertical or
horizontal scroll bar.

  Tip:  After sizing the group to fit the window, set the groupšs
lockLocation property to true. This prevents it from automatically resizing
to fit the contents when you switch cards.

But what confuses is me is what does it mean by "make the group the same
size as the stack window..."? If you do that, what is the scroll for?


On 2/20/04 9:35 AM, "Kathy Jaqua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Doug!
> OK sooo, I would create a bottom level group larger
> then the card and ... would I lose the groups that are
> on the card If I scrolled them out of sight? Do they
> scroll out of sight? Um :)
> Kathy Graves Jaqua
> A Wildest Dream Software
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