Le 19/02/04 22:35, « Jeanne A. E. DeVoto » <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

> The basic idea here is that, instead of having a hidden card, you
> have sets of custom properties for each card - one set for each
> language - to hold the correct text for that card.

  Ok but if I need to change texts because my translations are incorrect or
if I add a new language, in a table I just add a column containing the texts
and the whole stack is translated with a new language or I just import a tab
separated new version and the errors are all corrected without having to go
thru every card and finding the field properties by hand. Am I right?

Benoît Leraillez
Bien des personnes aiment à dire qu'elles ont une prédilection pour des
choses «profondes», or, je me demande si ces personnes ne commettent pas des
erreurs en prenant pour «profondes» des choses qui sont creuses. (S. Guitry)

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