
The traffic on this list has now officially exceeded my capacity to keep up 
with it all.  I used to lag behind sometimes, but now there are huge lists of 
virgin digests in my revolution folder.

I thought of generating a graph of the daily digests since I have subscribed, 
maybe a little script that would automatically update the graph so I would 
always have at my fingertips an indication of just how much stuff I am missing.  
I decided instead to read the last few days digests instead.

It is great to see so many new contributors, and I hope that the runrev sales 
chart is correlated with the theoretical traffic chart.  They deserve all the 
success they get.

My news is I have been invited  by a pretty big cheese in the busines to 
Alburquerque (is that how you spell it?) in October to showcase my sex offender 
assessment tool developed with runrev.  Woo hoo!.  Nearly famous.  Now how do I 
get there from East Lancashire?

In preparation  for the trip I am trying iron out some final oddities.  

I want to do a better 'about box', but find the provided 'made with Runtime' 
images appear rather blurry - has anyone got any suggestions for a nice 
professional about box?  A bit of a vague request, I know,  but I'll bet there are 
some favourite techniques out there.

Finally, I am *still* having odd problems with Win XP that I can't nail, that 
don't happen on any other Win OS or Mac classic (dunno about X, I am still 
too scared to switch).  The one I heard about today is that a button that is 
'shown' on opencard or via a tab click doesn't show on XP.  Same install on 
earlier Wins (& Mac) works fine.  I don't want to bore you all with baroque script, 
but I just want someone to say "Yes, Win XP is as strange as it looks and 
misbehaves with my stacks too".  Maybe add a few hints about why XP doesn't 
always seem able to respond to messages in the way everything else does.

Finally, Finally.  In all the posts I missed, has any clue been left 
regarding when the Rev 2 manuals I paid for long ago will actually turn up?

Best wishes,

David Glasgow

<A HREF="";>i-Psych</A>

Forensic Clinical Psychology Software & Services
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