On 2/25/04 9:49 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:


That won't do what I want. I need to combine two images in one button and then have it act like one button as a 'real' button.

I have a special button look and feel and want to include that. Then I want to put a special icon into that special button look and feel. Then I want it to act like a default button or like a regular button.

The usual way to do this is to create the entire button as an image in a graphics program. Include the actual button shape itself, as well as its "icon," as a single image. Make two of these, one for the "up" state and another for the "down" state. Then create a transparent button and set its icon to the "up" state image, and its hilitedicon to the "down" state image.

You get all the button behaviors and messages automatically, but the user sees only the icon, which looks like a button.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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