On Wed, 25 Feb 2004 12:19:13 -0800, Richard Gaskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But a lot of programmers, developers, software publishers, IT shops, and hobbyists are always on the lookout for greater productivity and stronger ROI. For them Rev has a liberating answer.

I agree completely with this remark (well, Richard always talks sense IMHO!). But for me as an ex-manager in IT (I know there are quite a few of us on this list), I don't think that the **language** is the key issue in thinking about constructing a 'serious application' according to the definition offered by Marc Albrecht - I think it comes quite a way after issues about the suitability of the whole IDE for working in teams, support for rigorous testing (including automated regression testing),modularity, maintainability, deployment... issues about the organisation and processes involved in industrial-scale software production.

Personally I no longer have to worry about any of this: for me RR certainly is a 'liberating answer'.It's a fantastically productive tool and for cross-platform development seems to me to be almost the only game in town. But I guess we Revvers should be able to answer the question "can RunRev cut the mustard in an industrial-scale context? Would RR be suitable for a development involving 10, 20 or more staff?". If the answer is 'no', then IMO that's a perfectly honorable answer, and it still leaves RunRev with worlds to conquer; but right now I don't think anyone has in fact given a clear answer.

Just 2 more Eurocents

         Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK & France
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