I cleared all Var.'s Local and Global and now it works properly.
Thanks to all . hershrev
By the way this the basic recipe for edit SQL for not connected fields.

put these scripts in your card or stack

on openField
  put the text of the selectedField into lOldText
end openField

on closeField
if gAction = "Edit"
put the name of the selectedField into lModifyFieldName
put the text of the selectedField into lFieldText
delete word 1 of lModifyFieldName
delete char 1 of word 1 of lModifyFieldName
delete char -1 of word 1 of lModifyFieldName
if lEquery contains lModifyFieldName
if lOldText <> lFieldText
replace lOldText with lFieldText in lEquery
end if
put lModifyFieldName &&"="&"'"& the Text of the selectedField &"',"& space after lEquery
end if
end if
put lEquery into gtest
end closeField

on go
  put "UPDATE databaseName&&"SET"&&lEquery&&"WHERE text = text"
end go

 in your button put
on mouseUp
end mouseUp

and comments would be appreciated (even critics)
Thanks hershrev

On Thursday, February 26, 2004, at 05:57 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

On Thursday, February 26, 2004, at 03:31 PM, hershrev wrote:

I need to replace oneVar with anotherVar in athirdVar ?

Do you meant replacing all substrings equal to the value of oneVar with the value of anotherVar in some variable athirdVar?

replace oneVar with anotherVar in athirdVar
compiler complains.

This works OK at my house with handler local vars.

Typo? It should be "with" and not "wiht".

Sometimes a weird character shows up in the script and breaks compiling. Try replacing [hee hee] the entire line.

If that fails, let us know the compiling error.

Dar Scott

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