Brian Yennie wrote:

While I'm intrugued by the contest nature of that, you could perhaps more easily just use the functions in a stack with one field and one button. :)

Yeah, I guess I'm functioning in lazy mode today. I'll probably grab the stack sometime later, "real" work calls =).

It's even easier than that: there is no stack to download.

It's ultra-easy to make one. All you need is to copy the functions from <>, paste 'em into a stack script, add a field with some test data and a button to test it:

 on mouseUp
  put fwPack(fld 1, "password")
 end mouseUp

Chipp's made a nifty shell for playing with fwPack/fwUnpack, but I
can't find it on his download page. Chipp, did you move it, or am I misremembering?

If you need a challenge I should send you a GIF file with an embedded steganographic message (alas, my "Stegasaur" app was days from shipping before 9/11 and people started getting all weird about steganography).

Steganography actually has a very interesting application that nobody has really capitalized on, and that's in the card-based gaming business. All of the major players have "online" games (i.e. Magic Online), and are struggling badly to create a solution by which they can distribute digital versions of their cards while maintaining ownership of the files, allowing for trading and selling, use in games, etc. I've gotten more than one serious comment that whoever grabs that segment of online gaming and digital ownership will be a very wealthy individual (or company).

There are some really strong steganography packages out there -- what's preventing the card-game folks from using them?

So... I can confirm steganography isn't just for terrorists =).

The biggest irony is that even the stupidest steganography mechanism will completely thwart Carnivore, the FBI's port-sniffer box that has since been renamed to something friendlier.

Given how useless Carnivore is for its stated objective, tech-savvy folks have been asking questions about what it might actually be useful for, which Cringely ponders here:


 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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