The problem is that OS X applications are not files, but "packages" that are stored in special folders. You can solve your problem in one of two ways:

1. Don't set the defaultFolder at all. When your application is compiled the default folder will be the folder that holds your compiled application.

2. Use the method you've described below to set the defaultFolder. After you compile your standalone, navigate to the application file and control-click on it, then choose "Show Package Contents". A window will open up showing all the subfolders that comprise your application. Navigate to Contents/MacOS/ . If you put your files and folders in the Contents/MacOS/ folder AND you have defined the defaultFolder as the folder that contains your stack, then your application will find them there. (Even though it's confusing at first, it's actually kind of handy to be able to make external files and folders part of the OS X application package.)

NOTE TO RUNREV TEAM: If you decide to "fix" this feature in a later release, please tell us.


On Mar 1, 2004, at 5:56 PM, François Cuneo wrote:

I have exactly the same problem!
My application configuration is

Cuk Calcul Oral.rev

In developpement on MacOSX, all is perfect!
But in standalone, the folders are not founded (no stop in the code but
nothing appends)

I touch the folders with code like that:

put the effective filename of this stack into chemin --je cherche ou est
cette pile sur le disque
set the itemdelimiter to "/"
put item 1 to -2 of chemin into chemin
put chemin &"/Data/Data.edb" into chemindata

And I'm sorry, but I do not understand the difference with the Peter's code!
I obtain exactly the same with mine.

And it not works!!

So what please?

Devin Asay Humanities Technology and Research Support Center Brigham Young University _______________________________________________ use-revolution mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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