Oh wait -- I was wrong, and I see what you mean now, Richard. Chipp is doing the paste/replace operation all at once.

In that case, he can still do it in one line, like this:

put the clipboardData["text"] into the selection

There, I think that's it.

On 3/2/04 11:12 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

On 3/2/04 10:23 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
This does too:

set the textstyle of the selection to "plain"

It is both shorter and retains the selection and the scroll. No need to save and re-select.

Since this is happening in a paste operation, wouldn't you need to first get the offset to the beginning of the selection, count the length of the clipboard contents, and set the selection accordingly before running that line?

Chipp said he was selecting text before pasting, and the paste was meant to replace the selection. So, he can do it all in one line.

I didn't address how he is capturing the paste operation -- but I think he's already got that part, since he had a handler called "pasteIt" that dealt with the text after it was already inserted.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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