on Wed, 3 Mar 2004 20:20:54 +0100
Xavier Bury wrote:

> What we need in RR (like HC and MC) are 
> MacDraw objects...
> But since PostScript is supported, why not 
> FreeHand quality graphic editing tools
> (i'd love to have even FH 1.0 tools!) 
> with SuperDraw (corel something?)?

> Alejandro?
> Todavia no tienes ese FreeHand plug-in listo?

No Xavier, the handler to export a stack as adobe
ilustrator format is not ready.
In fact, is a real hurdle to convert the text fields 
in the text encodings used by the adobe format.

You can check this drawing stack in my site.
This is the message that i send to this list:

Download the stack "Graphic Tools v01 beta.zip"

> This stack shows how to edit a polygon
> graphic with diverse tools.
> Notice, this is a Beta, so expect some
> rough edges... ;)
> The only tool that I want that you check
> is ConvertPoint. It looks like this: /\
> I think this is the shape of the convert
> point tool of Adobe Ilustrator.
> This tool lets you change the shape of
> a line segment between 2 selected points
> of a polygon graphic.
> In fact, what you are doing is replacing
> the points with the points of the
> line that you just created.
> To reshape a polygon graphic:
> 1- Select the Convert Shape tool ( /\ )
> 2- Click on the first point of the Polygon graphic. 
> It's better if you have selected before
> the polygon graphic and had checked the
> button "Show Markers". In that way, the marker
> points will be already visible...
> Notice, if you checked the button "Audible
> Feedback" (Beep) then you will hear a beep
> ONLY if you clicked on a marker point of
> the polygon graphic.
> 3- Click the second point of the polygon
> and 2 GREEN dots, 2 RED dots (under the
> green dots) and a line appears over the 
> two points that you CLICKED before.
> 4- Move the green dots to reshape the bezier line
> and when you are done... DOUBLECLICK one of the
> green dots. Do not click the red dots or the
> line, please. 
> IMPORTANT: You can press the option key,
> while doubleclicking to obtain another variation
> of this adding or deleting of points. ;))
> 5- The Red Dots, Green dots and the line dissapear,
> (go back to the left corner) and the segment
> takes the shape of the line.
> If any unexpected change occurs then click the
> button UNDO. 
> deviation on this steps will produce errors 
> without any doubts... :((
> Comments and fixes are welcome, as always.
> Later I'll comment over the other tools, but
> you'll read the code and test your guessings
> powers too!!! ;))


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