Moin, Wilhelm,

I am trying to learn "Transcript" and I still seem to learn better by looking at working code, if the documentation is as incompatible to my brain as Revolution's doc is.

    put char (LastSlash + 1) to Laenge of LongDateiName into Dateiname
   put char 1 to (LastSlash - 1) of LongDateiName into NewDirectory

This smells like "basename" and "dirname" to me. Aren't these standard function available in Revolution? I would like to have a list of standard-functions listed against their Revolution versions (repeating the discussion about "reinventing the wheel"), perhaps this also would help those list members that try to port C-code to Transcript?

Your routine to search for slashes might run into trouble if the user wanted to include slashes in his filename, it would have to take care of the platform (I guess) and eventually even look out for quotation marks (as slashes in filenames are allowed everywhere as long as they are escaped correctly).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Marc Albrecht
A.C.T. / Level-2
Glinder Str. 2
27432 Ebersdorf
Tel. (+49) (0)4765-830060
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