Ken, the field is a plain scrolling field with a vertical scroll bar. The following 
Basic Properties are checked:

Visible, Don't wrap, Opaque, Focusable, Show border (Border width 2), Hilites: 
Autohilite text

Text is Courier 12 point left justified

The field displays the contents of a file selected from a list field. This list is 
refreshed (because files are being added to the storage folder at random intervals) 
with the following button script:

on mouseUp
  getFiles - checks the contents of the storage folder and puts the list in the list 
  send mouseUp to me in 60 seconds - so I click the button once and it runs all day :)
end mouseUp

Could this activity be causing the text to be deselected? Is there a better way to 
time a repeating task to allow for normal stack operation?

Appreciate the great help!


Ken said:

> > I know I'm missing something simple here...
> > 
> > I have a very simple field that contains text. lockText is false and
> > traversalOn is true. But when I select any text in the field it doesn't stay
> > selected. 
> ----------
> What kind of field is it? I can't reproduce this situation, i.e., text
> always selects ok unless traversalon is false or locktext is true or hilite
> text is false, 
> Ken N.
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