I think you should use item instead of word
words are delimited by space, items by the itemDelimiter

-> put item 3 of line 1 of fld "data"


On Friday, Mar 26, 2004, at 14:42 Europe/Paris, Glen Bojsza wrote:


I have a field which is filled with tab delimited data there will always be some "missing data" by the nature of the type of data being collect.

I may have made an assumption ...

If word 2 is missing in a line of 5 words then when I ask for word 3 I actually get word 4. The line shifts the words to the left.

Does Revolution not count the tabs when it is counting the words? If I read a file into a spreadsheet and tell it the data is tab delimited it counts the words properly.

I have set the itemDelimiter to tab but that does not solve the problem??

Example below I've "typed" the word tab to help explain

23 tab 35 tab 76 tab 55 tab 99 -- put word 3 of line 1 of fld "data" ==> 76

23 tab tab tab 76 tab 55 tab 99 -- put word 3 of line 1 of fld "data" ==> 55 (shouldn't it give 76 ??)

Is this a bug, limitation, or a bad assumption?



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