I just downloaded the demo-kit and it works like a charm on my
5 old Ataris ST resp. "Seattle Computer Gazelle"...

The Gazelle is for real! While doing some routing around on the net for our new platforms (with silly names) I came across that, the Australian Microbee from Honeysoft and a few other oddly named computers. The Gazelle was apparently the machine which featured a version of DOS, the same version which the owner then sold to Microsoft and which went on to become the rather uncommon MS-DOS. I bet the owner of Seattle Computer kicked himself shortly afterwards. Much like the guy who from Digital Research who went to play golf rather than meet with executives from IBM when they were looking to buy an operating system.

If anyone is interested in a 'new' retro computer I gather a Dutch company called Tulip owns the rights to the C64 and plans to start making it again.

It's amazing the amount of useful information you can find on the internet :-)



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