Hi again all,

I've been working with on a few cross-platform jobs, and I've really needed some capabilities I couldn't find easily in RR. In particular, I needed:

1) A reliable Geometry Manager which could auto-generate resizeStack scripts, so I could later edit them if I needed to provide more dynamic types of object sizing and control (think sliding panes, etc..)

2) I wanted to be able to have my stacks resize themselves depending on the platform they are on. Also, I wanted to be abled to designate different sizes and behaviors for objects based upon different platforms.

3) I wanted something simple, which I can add to easily.

4) It is important for the tool to stay out of the way, and not create a problem when working with other tools/libraries.

So, over the last couple of weeks, I've created a new plugin called "Layout Manager." It's available at:


I'll try and put up a video tutorial later this week.

Thanks to Ken Ray for his support and help on some scripting issues.

As with our many other plugins, it's free. Also, there is a new update to the altPluginToolbar. You can just click the "check for updates" button on your altPluginToolbar menu and it will auto-download. The only feature added is a "Get Plugins" button. And all who use altPluginToolbar should routinely check for updates, as I often do post bug fixes and feature enhancements without any other notice.



From the site:
Use Layout Manager to handle resizable stacks and control layouts for cross-platform applications. Here's how it works.

With Layout Manager, you can create different layouts with controls differently sized and with different behaviors for up to 3 different platforms. Layout Manager includes a library stack, and auto-generates resizeStack scripts, which users may modify at a later time if they wish.

Typically, you should first layout the controls on a stack which is the minimum width and height you want the stack to be. Then, use the Set MinWidth and Set MinHeight commands on the Stack tab. Now you're ready to set the resizer properties for those controls you wish to be 'dynamic.'

You'll need to add the altLayoutLib library stack to your project. This is done by clicking the add altLayout library button in the Stack tab. You will be then prompted to automatically insert a preOpenStack script. If your stack has only a single card which people will be resizing, then put the script in the card script, else put it in the stack script.

Please note: Layout Manager puts it's own 'on preOpenStack' handler at the top of the card/stack script. If you already have an 'on preOpenStack' handler then you'll need to manually copy the 'start using stack "altLayoutLib"' command into it.

Next, choose the Control tab, and choose the platform radio button you're currently wanting to set the resizer properties for. Use Mac OSX, or Win XP(and all Win32), or Other (for Linux, or Mac OS9). Now, press the arrow button to go to 'Pointer' mode. You can now resize controls and set their behaviors. Be sure and click the Set Layout Props button when you are finished editing a single control.

Each time you click the Set Layout Props button, Layout Manager builds it's own 'on resizeStack' handler at the top of the card/stack script you previously designated when adding the library. If you don't want Layout Manager to replace it's own scripts, then edit the comments next to the resizeStack handler and then the next time Layout Manager builds a resizeStack script it will insert it above your custom version. You only then need to cut/paste the auto-generated scripts into your own 'on resizeStack' handler.

One of the added benefits of taking this approach, is the developer has full control over the resizeStack handler and can modify it to suit special situations.

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