Yes, making the "standalone" a (glorified) splash screen, and having the 
actual app be a separate stack unto itself, is the best way to go if you want 
to do it like HyperCard did it. It may be worth noting that this arrangement 
lends itself to a bit of "idiot-proofing" in case Something Goes Wrong when the 
app tries to start up. Here's the basic idea:

   (a) Make your one-card standalone.
   (b) Give it a nice-looking logo/graphic that covers the whole card.
   (c) Give it a "preOpenCard" handler which shows the logo.
   (d) Give a text field or three, which is/are *NORMALLY* completely hidden 
underneath your logo, that contain a message about "Sorry, but I can't run. 
You seem to have a bit of a problem with memory; here's one thing you could try 
to fix it", or whatever other error message you deem appropriate.
   (e) Give it a handler which hides the logo when the standalone "hands off" 
to the real app.

   If everything goes right: The user opens the standalone, the user sees 
your "splash screen", the user starts working with your app. Yay!
   If something horrible happens which prevents the app from working 
properly: The user opens the standalone, the code which would *normally* show your 
"splash screen" doesn't work, the user sees your error message (which explains 
that there's a problem and maybe offers a possible solution). Not as good as if 
everything goes right, but better than just dying silently.

   This idea was originally Richard Gaskin's, if memory serves; all I did was 
add the "show/hide logo" wrinkle. Hope this helps...
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